Classes Offered

All Levels Yoga
Come as you are! All Levels classes are suitable for beginners, masters and everyone in between. These classes offer modifications so that you can customize your class to fit your specific needs and level of expertise.

Level 2/3 Yoga
Level 2 classes are designed for those who have had some exposure to yoga, including an introduction to basic yoga poses and proper alignment. The experienced beginner student would like to explore their practice and begin to become more familiar with poses and use of the breath.
Level 3 classes are designed for those who have a good understanding of the basic yoga postures, and have begun to explore a wider variety of poses and styles. The intermediate student understands the relationship between breath and movement.

Sarah's Level 2/3 Yoga
A strong, physical class with handstands, arm balances, and lots of core work. Not your typical yoga flow. This class is not about precise alignment - it's about giving you more autonomy to make choices that are best for you by exploring movement and breath beyond the confines of perfection. Challenge what you think you know about your body by removing arbitrary barriers to progress.

Kinstretch is a movement enhancement system developed by Dr. Andreo Spina. It develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion. Kinstretch is about giving you more movement options - training your joints to not only handle the stresses of daily life, but the stresses of the activities and training you love. Learn how to breathe better, rehab old and mitigate future injuries, get more flexible where needed, and build strength in that flexibility to keep your joints young, healthy, and resilient. Most of all, it teaches you how to move with confidence, no matter what. Kinstretch is strength training for your joints! Accessible for all levels.

Ashtanga/Mysore Yoga
Ashtanga is a system of yoga that was taught by the late Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois at his Institute in Mysore, India. It consists of sun salutations followed by a specific sequence of poses; the Primary Series is the first sequence and best known.

NamastaySober Yoga
We focus on the interplay between sobriety, physical activity, community and social connection as central to relapse prevention. The goal is to swap a potentially life-threatening addiction for healthy habits, and to surround yourself with a loving and supportive community who has set a similar intention.

Awakening Dance
The Awakening Process Dance Jam is a weekly process class and dance jam with music intended for you to deepen your experience of yourself, your healing and your bliss.During the first hour or so, there will be a led warm-up which includes anointing with essential oils. Primarily we use the tool of awareness to find true diaphragmatic breath which we explore in a natural, unforced way. Each week we cover different topics ranging from but not limited to opening energetic meridians, embodied anatomy, elements of craniosacral unwinding and working with emotions as immune system. We hope to help you clarify and deepen your experience of your innate healing ability.The last half is an open jam with music and light facilitation, taking the principles explored during the warm-up into your own improvisational dance exploration. You are encouraged to incorporate the facilitative invitations as they serve your experience.
This jam is Contact Improv friendly.

Sound Bath &
Energy Healing
Sound bathing is a form of meditation, a massage for your brain , using crystal
bowls, drums, elemental chimes and other modalities.
The frequency of sound, transmutes and relaxes the subconscious,to lighten our
psyche. After a sound bath you can expect to leave feeling lighter, more at ease, and
deeply connected to the world around you.
This vibrational healing technique is especially beneficial when we realize that
everything is vibration. So when we begin to heal ourselves at a vibrational level, we
are healing ourselves at the most basic root of existence.
Please dress comfortably, bring a yoga mat, pillows, blankets and anything you need
to feel cozy and get ready to take off into sound vibrational bliss.
Optional: eye masks, leg pillow, essential oils, crystals.